Wildlife Management Means Huge Savings for Airports, Study Says

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Wildlife hazard management programmes result in substantial savings for airports, a study in the journal Nature has found. The study estimates that the savings achieved from wildlife hazard management programmes are seven times greater than the costs thanks to a reduction. The study, “Estimating the impact of airport wildlife hazards management on realized wildlife strike […]

Robin Radar logo white text on black.

Robin Radar Acquires Scarecrow in “Integration Fit For The Future Of Bird Control”

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      As the aviation industry prepares for the COVID-19 aftermath, technology companies Robin and Scarecrow have joined forces to forge a brand-new offering to bird control at airports. The two companies believe that more innovative tools are needed, now more than ever, to combat the rising challenges of bird control and wildlife management […]

Scrabble tiles on a white marble top spell out Product Review

Scarecrow B.I.R.D. Tab User Survey Success

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Scarecrow are delighted with the results of a recent survey of Airport clients that use the Scarecrow B.I.R.D. Tab system. On a scale of 1 (not at all satisfied) to 5 (very satisfied), the following average scores were achieved: General Scarecrow Service: average score 4.6 Technical Support: average score 4.6 Training/Refresher Training: average score 4.5 […]

Mongolian Airports Success with Scarecrow Equipment

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Scarecrow have recently received the below feedback from Mr Odkhuu Biraazana, Wildlife and Environmental officer for Airports Authority of Mongolia after supplying them with equipment for two of their airports. “Bird dispersal systems are essential to reduce the bird/wildlife strike hazard in vicinity of the airport. The equipment Scarecrow Premier 2020 and Patrol Two have […]

Inside Abu Dhabi International Airport with glass ceiling and people milling around.

Online Product Training – Abu Dhabi International Airport review

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Despite the current change in the world as we know it due to Covid-19, Scarecrow looks to ensure that the high-quality training programmes associated with our products is continued through remote e-training sessions. Below is a testimonial from a recent attendee on our Off Aerodrome Reporting Course, run by Lee Pannett, Director. “One of the […]

Bangkok Airport terminal.

“It’s your Airport, not the birds'”

Posted on Posted in Bird Control, Bird Dispersal, News

The thoughts and prayers of all at Scarecrow go out to everybody impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. These are globally unprecedented times in modern history – borders closed, cities and countries on lockdown, and travel, both national and international, severely restricted. The aviation industry has, along with other sectors, been hit hard. Airport and […]