Happy customers in Malawi.
Last year Vanassche Firefighting Engineering NV (Belgium) purchased a Scarecrow Premier 2020 system for Kamuzu International Airport, Malawi.
We have recently received some very positive feedback from the Airport, via our Client; please take a look at our Testimonial page to view this.
Scarecrow Features in BBC Broadcast
Scarecrow’s bird dispersal system featured on the BBC’s highly successful Country file show, broadcast on Sunday 30th July 2017.
The regular 6 million plus viewers saw how Manchester Airport (MAN) use their bio-acoustic system provided by Scarecrow Group Limited as part of the work undertaken by the airport’s dedicated Wildlife Patrol team to reduce the risk of Bird Strike.
The programme also showed some of the excellent environmental work being carried out at Manchester in protecting and maintaining the local countryside and wildlife. A link to the show is attached.
Products in use at Dubai
We recently came across an interesting article published in the Khaleej Times, which really highlights the importance of effective bird control for Airports.
The woman pictured is in possession of our hand held unit, and the Airport also have vehicle installed systems to disperse birds from areas where they can cause serious risks.
The article can be viewed here, and for more information please contact our Offices.